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KoCity (Modding)

Getting Started

In this section we’ll take a look at all the steps needed to start modding.

Digging into the files

In order to start modding Knockout City your should probably familiarize yourself with the files and see what exists. In order to do that your firstly need to download either the Client Version or the Server only Version.

After you have downloaded the files there should be a in the Server folder.

In order to extract the files from the you need a special script to convert it into a real .zip file. This script can be found on GitHub. Place the script inside the folder that contains the file and run the following in your Terminal:


This should create a new file called Now you can extract the .zip file with the tool of your choice.

Overwritting files

In order to overwrite game files you need to create an out folder where the .exe of the game is located. Also create an empty file called .viper_root in the same folder. Place the files you want to overwrite into the out folder with the same sub-folder structure as the game itself. Also make sure to overwrite the .package_list file that references the file you like to overwrite as well as update the reference to /out/....