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KoCity (Modding)


The Transform Component is used to position an entity in the screen space. One thing to note is that the point of origin (0, 0) is in the center of the screen not in the upper left corner.


type TransformComponent = {
   * The VTable Reference.
  vtable: GUID;
   * The unique GUID for the component.
  $guid: GUID;
   * The name of the component.
  component_name?: string;
   * Options to automatically infer the dimensions of the component without
   * having to specify them manually.
  auto_dimension_type?: /**
   * Automatically infer the dimensions from the text that is represented in
   * the object.
   * See: TextComponent
  | 'k_auto_dim_from_text'
     * ???
    | 'k_auto_dim_from_text_min_width'
     * Automatically infer the dimension from the parent object.
    | 'k_auto_dim_from_parent'
     * Automatically infer the dimensions from the children.
    | 'k_auto_dim_from_child'
     * Automatically infer the dimensions from the sprite that is represented in
     * the object.
     * See: SpriteComponent
    | 'k_auto_dim_from_sprite'
     * ???
    | 'k_auto_dim_from_mask_sprite';
   * The manual anchor point position of the component.
   * Default: (0, 0)???
  initial_anchor?: {
    x: number;
    y: number;
   * The position of the object using this component.
  initial_position?: {
     * Position on the X-Axis (in Pixel???)
    x: number;
     * Position on the Y-Axis (in Pixel???)
    y: number;
   * The dimensions of the component.
   * Can also be automatically infered using {@link auto_dimension_type}.
  initial_dimensions?: {
    x: number;
    y: number;
   * ???
  initial_pivot?: {
    x: number;
    y: number;
   * ???
  initial_scale?: {
    x: number;
    y: number;
   * The rotation of the component.
  initial_rotation?: {
     * ???
    s1: number;
     * ???
    s2: number;
     * ???
    s3: number;