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KoCity (Modding)

Localized Text


type LocalizedText = {
   * Example: CATCH_3E12B118
  external_string_id: string;
   * The VTable Reference
  vtable: GUID;
   * A List of Strings for the different languages
   * Contains 18 different languages in the following order:
   * - English
   * - ?
   * - French
   * - Italian
   * - German
   * - Spanish
   * - Japanese
   * - Dutch
   * - Korean
   * - Chinese (PRC)
   * - Chinese (Taiwan)
   * - Portuguese
   * - Polish
   * - Russian
   * - English (United Kingdom)
   * - French (Canada)
   * - Spanish (appropriate for the Latin America and Caribbean region)
   * - Spanish (Mexico)
  text: string[];
   * ???
  version: number[];
   * ???
  import_hash: number;