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KoCity (Modding)


In this section we will talk about the custom VJson format Knockout City uses for its items, behaviour, layouts, and much more. It is a vital part to be able to understand and modify the game.

General Structure

 * Each GUID is contained of 4 Segments with length 8, seperated by a '-'.
 * Each character in the GUID is in Base 16 (0-9, A-F)
 * Examples:
 * 00000000-00000000-00000000-00000000
 * ABCDEF12-34567890-00000000-00000000
type GUID = `${string}-${string}-${string}-${string}`;

type ExportedObject = {
   * The GUID of the Object.
  $guid: GUID;
   * The name of the Object.
  $name?: string;
   * The VTable reference.
  vtable: GUID;
   * The path to the file this Object is located in.
  path: string;

  // More depending on the specific Object variant
  // ...

type Segment = {
   * List of exported objects
  exported_objects: ExportedObject[];
   * The name of the Segment
  name: string;
   * ???
  size: number;
   * Bit alignment???
  alignment: 8;

type VJSON = {
   * A List of segments.
  segments: Segment[];
   * The VTable reference.
  vtable: GUID;
   * The specification verion of VJson.
  version: 'vjson-1';
   * A List of GUIDs that should be imported / are referenced in the file.
   * Note: Can only contain GUIDs that are exported by other files.
  imports: GUID[];
   * A List of GUIDs that are exported for other files to use.
   * Assumption: Only GUIDs that appear under {@link segments} can be referenced
   * here.
  exports: GUID[];