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KoCity (Modding)


In order to prevent mods accessing specific data the mod loader allows for fine grained control of each mods permissions. The permissions are defined in a permissions.yaml file. Lets look at the following example to understand the structure a bit better:

mod-1: # name of the mod defined in its manifest.yaml
  database: # database section
    users: # users table inside the database
      read: true # only allow reading

mod-2: # name of the mod defined in its manifest.yaml
  database: # database section
    news: # news table inside the database
      write: true # allow writing / create / updating entries
      delete: true # allow to delete entries

In the example above we explicitly allow mod-1 to read the users table from the database. As for the mod-2, we allow it to write and delete entry in the news table of the database.

Permissions Overview

Database Permissions

    read: false
    write: false
    delete: false

Getting information from a Table. In SQL Terms SELECT. Regarding the API the following actions are allowed:

  • findUnique
  • findUniqueOrThrow
  • findFirst
  • findFirstOrThrow
  • findMany
  • aggregate
  • groupBy
  • count

Writing information inside a Table. In SQL Terms UPDATE and INSERT. Regarding the API the following actions are allowed:

  • create
  • createMany
  • update
  • updateMany
  • upsert

Deleting information from a Table. In SQL Terms DELETE. Regarding the API the following actions are allowed:

  • delete
  • deleteMany