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KoCity (Modding)

Mod Sandbox

To avoid risking users to malicious mods (whether server-side or client-side), the mod loader takes extra precautions. As such, the mods are sandboxed to safeguard the end-user.

To assess the different mods, the mod loader utilises isolated-vm, enabling the user code to be run in a secluded runtime, distinct from the main runtime. This prevents the mods from obtaining access to the user’s file system, stealing tokens, and other potential threats.

isolated-vm is a library for nodejs which gives you access to v8’s Isolate interface. This allows you to create JavaScript environments which are completely isolated from each other. This can be a powerful tool to run code in a fresh JavaScript environment completely free of extraneous capabilities provided by the nodejs runtime.

To enable mods to perform additional actions, the mod loader provides specific modules to the sandbox. The following modules are available inside the sandbox environment: