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KoCity (Modding)


This section explains the structure of the manifest.yaml defined by a mod.


# The name of the mod
# Allowed characters: [a-z], [0-9] and _
# MUST NOT start with _ or a number!
name: string

# A short description of the mod and what it does.
description: string

# The name of the mod author
author: string

# The current version of the mod.
# MUST be in semantic version format (
version: string

# The type of the mod.
# server-client: A mod that can be run on server and client. This will be shared with clients when installed on server side.
# server-only: A mod that can only be run on the server. Will also have access to the database.
type: server-client | server-only

# A list of compatible game versions
# SHOULD be '269701' in all cases currently
  - 269701