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KoCity (Modding)

Achievement List

A List of Platform Achievements and their condition. This has been used to award Achievements on Origin, Epic, Steam or XBox once certain contracts have been completed.
(Doesn’t really look useful to modding but listed for completeness)


type Achievement = {
  achievement_id: number;
  contract: GUID;

type AchievementList = {
   * The GUID of the Object.
  $guid: GUID;
   * The name of the Object.
  $name?: string;
   * The VTable reference
  vtable: GUID;
   * The path to the file this Object is located in.
   * Example: /data/catch/achievements/origin.achievement_list
  path: `${string}.achievement_list`;
   * A List of Achievements for the specific platform.
  achievements: Achievement[];
   * ???
   * Example: 8f59a2be-3fa7-4b1e-80f5-3be38d16ee90
  achievement_token: UUIDv4;