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KoCity (Modding)



type Award = {
  rewards: GUID[];

type Contract = {
   * The GUID of the Object.
  $guid: GUID;
   * The name of the Object.
  $name?: string;
   * The VTable reference.
  vtable: GUID;
   * The path to the file this Object is located in.
   * Example: /data/catch/contracts/lifetime/l_ko.contract_def
  path: `${string}.contract_def`;
   * Human readable Id???
  token: string;
   * The name of the contract.
  name: LocalizedText;
   * The description of the contract.
  description: LocalizedText;
   * The category of the contract.
    | 'k_contract_category_achievement'
    | 'k_contract_category_any'
    | 'k_contract_category_crew'
    | 'k_contract_category_daily'
    | 'k_contract_category_event'
    | 'k_contract_category_pass'
    | 'k_contract_category_pass_diamond'
    | 'k_contract_category_lifetime'
    | 'k_contract_category_login'
    | 'k_contract_category_seasonal'
    | 'k_contract_category_tutorial';
   * The sub-category within {@link category} of the contract.
    | 'k_contract_subcategory_none'
    | 'k_contract_subcategory_pass_escalating'
    | 'k_contract_subcategory_pass_week_min'
    | 'k_contract_subcategory_pass_week_02'
    | 'k_contract_subcategory_pass_week_03'
    | 'k_contract_subcategory_pass_week_04'
    | 'k_contract_subcategory_pass_week_05'
    | 'k_contract_subcategory_pass_week_06'
    | 'k_contract_subcategory_pass_week_07'
    | 'k_contract_subcategory_pass_week_08'
    | 'k_contract_subcategory_pass_week_09'
    | 'k_contract_subcategory_pass_week_10'
    | 'k_contract_subcategory_pass_week_11'
    | 'k_contract_subcategory_pass_week_12'
    | 'k_contract_subcategory_pass_week_13'
    | 'k_contract_subcategory_tutorial_introduction';
   * A reference to the implementation of the contract logic.
  implementation_level: GUID;
   * The icon of the contract.
   * Note: In case of multi stage contract the same as the first in
   * {@link multi_icons}.
  icon?: GUID;
   * The different icons to display at each stage of the contract.
   * Note: Needs to have exactly the same amount of entries as
   * {@link multi_denominators}.
  multi_icons?: GUID[];
   * The value that has to be reached in order for the contract to be marked as
   * completed.
  denominator?: number;
   * The different stage values of the contract.
   * Example: [200, 800, 2500]
  multi_denominators?: number[];
   * The Awards to give to the player for each stage of the contract.
   * Note: Needs to have exactly the same amount of entries as
   * {@link multi_denominators}.
  multi_awards?: Award[];