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KoCity (Modding)



type Emote = {
   * The GUID of the Object
  $guid: GUID;
   * The name of the Object
  $name?: string;
   * The VTable reference
  vtable: GUID;
   * The path to the file this Object is located in.
  path: `${string}.emote_def`;
   * How long the emote should be displayed for (in seconds?).
  alive_duration: number;
   * ???
  animation?: GUID;
   * ???
  animation_ball?: GUID;
   * ???
  all_trigger_cooldown?: number;
   * If the background should be colored in team colors.
  balloon_sprite_use_team_color: boolean;
   * ???
  category?: 'k_emote_category_message';
   * ???
  companion_cooldown?: number;
   * ???
  head_animation_spreadsheet?: GUID;
   * Reference to the level that describes how to emote looks.
  level: GUID;
   * ???
  max_intensity_level?: number;
   * Time that needs to elapse before the emote can be activated again (in seconds).
  retrigger_cooldown: number;
   * ???
  sfx_oneshot_name: string;
   * ???
  sfx_taunt_switch?: GUID;
   * Time that needs to elapse before the emote sound will be activated again
   * (in seconds).
   * Should be aroung 1.5s to prevent sound spamming.
  sound_retrigger_cooldown: number;