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KoCity (Modding)


A Level in terms of Knockout City is something that exists in the game world. It can be an emote, a GUI and much more. If you see something in-game it most likly is a Level or contained in one.


type Level = {
   * The VTable Reference
  vtable: GUID;
   * The unique GUID for the component
  $guid: GUID;
   * The name of the component
  component_name?: string;

  // More depending on the specific Component
  // ...

type Entity = {
   * The name of the Entity
  name: string;
   * The VTable Reference
  vtable: GUID;
   * The unique GUID of the Entity
  guid: GUID;
   * A List of components the Entity has.
  components: Component[];
   * A List of child entities the Entity has.
  children: Entity[];

type Level = {
   * The unique GUID for the Level.
  $guid: GUID;
   * The VTable Reference
  vtable: GUID;
   * The path of the file the Level is located in.
  path: `${string}.level`;
   * A List of entities that exist inside the Level.
  entities: Entity[];