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KoCity (Modding)

Package List


type PackageList = {
   * The GUID of the Object.
  $guid: GUID;
   * The name of the Object.
  $name?: string;
   * The VTable reference.
  vtable: GUID;
   * The path to the file this Object is located in.
   * Example: /out/data/catch/consumables/energy_drink/content/energy_drink_001.accessory_content.package_list
  path: `${string}.package_list`;
   * ???
  masks: number[];
   * List of paths to included vjson files.
   * Example: [
   *    '/data/.../something.import',
   *    '/data/.../other.model'
   *    ...
   * ]
  list: string[];
  guids?: GUID[];