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KoCity (Modding)

Getting Started


npm install knockoutcity-mod-loader   # npm
yarn add knockoutcity-mod-loader      # yarn
pnpm add knockoutcity-mod-loader      # pnpm

Basic Usage

import { ModLoader, ModEvaluator, OutGenerator } from 'knockoutcity-mod-loader';

// Load the different mods in the mod folder.
const loader = new ModLoader(/* configuration */);
const mods = loader.loadMods();

// Evaluate a mod
const evaluator = new ModEvaluator(mods[0] /* configuration */);
await evaluator.evaulate();

// Generate out/ folder files for server and/or client
const outGenerator = new OutGenerator(/* configuration */);
await outGenerator.generate();


The loading of mods is divided into three phases.

  1. the mods manifest and module paths are loaded.
  2. the mod undergoes evaluation in a Sandbox.
  3. the generation of files to overwrite Server/Client behaviour.