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KoCity (Modding)

Mod Structure

Here’s how a Knockout City Mod is organized.

Files and directories

  • assets/* - Your mods assets (import files, …)
  • index.js - Your mods entrypoint
  • manifest.yaml - A mod manifest

Example Mod Contents

A common Mod Structure might look like this:

  • Directoryassets/
    • custom_player_icon.png.import
  • index.js
  • manifest.yaml


The assets/ directory is for files and assets that are referenced by source files. This folder can also be named dirrently but assets is recommended.


This file is the entrypoint to your mod. It will be loaded by the mod loader. Could also be named differently or located somewhere else but the manifest.yaml entrypoint has to be changed accordingly.


This file containes all neccessary information for mod loaders to load the mod successfully. Furthermore, it includes metadata information about the mod.